We are a non-profit organization of scientists and filmmakers collaborating on documentaries in order to build a more scientifically-engaged society.

With Generous Support From


At the Science Communication Lab, our name embodies our mission. We believe in the power of science, broadly defined and inclusive, to be a path for understanding and insight. We value communication, with the public and students, to spur discussion and deeper engagement. And we understand a lab is a space for experimentation, new ideas, collaborations, and a willingness to engage in the uncertainty of discovery.


Our high-quality short films showcase scientists, dive into the nature of science, and inspire awe and curiosity.

Our films have screened at and been featured by:

Are you an educator?

Join our community to access our extensive educator resources with learning objectives, discussion questions, and activities for your classroom.


Our award-winning documentaries have screened to hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world.

Picture a Scientist

Picture a Scientist chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. Along the way, we encounter scientific luminaries - including social scientists, neuroscientists, and psychologists - who provide new perspectives on how to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.

Human Nature

The scientific revolution called CRISPR gives humans the power to edit DNA, including our own. The implications are profound and infinite. Scientists are already curing diseases like sickle cell anemia. But how far should we go to change the fundamental nature of who we are as people?

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Our free online courses teach key strategies and skills for career planning, biological research, and effective science communication.

Universities and organizations that have partnered with us to create and utilize our courses content:


Looking for more films & videos? Browse all of our content below.

Short Films & Feature Documentaries

Professional Development Videos & Courses


We are committed to researching the impact of storytelling on science communication, education, and professional development.

Framework for advancing rigorous research

Koroshetz WJ, Behrman S, Brame CJ, Branchaw JL, Brown EN, et al. Framework for advancing rigorous research. Elife. 2020 Mar 4;9:e55915. doi: 10.7554/eLife.55915. PMID: 32127131; PMCID: PMC7056268.

Science Communication Demands a Critical Approach That Centers Inclusion, Equity, and Intersectionality

Canfield KN, Menezes S, Matsuda SB, Moore A, Mosley Austin AN, Dewsbury BM, et al. Science Communication Demands a Critical Approach That Centers Inclusion, Equity, and Intersectionality. Frontiers in Communication. 2020;5: 2. doi:10.3389/fcomm.2020.00002

Science Communication in the Age of Misinformation

Goldstein CM, Murray EJ, Beard J, Schnoes AM, Wang ML. Science Communication in the Age of Misinformation. Ann Behav Med. 2020 Dec 1;54(12):985-990. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaaa088. PMID: 33416836; PMCID: PMC7791627.

Did Plants Domesticate Humans? Watch The First Entanglement

Sobel, R. (2023, January 26). Did plants domesticate humans? Watch “The First Entanglement.” Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/video/did-plants-domesticate-humans-watch-the-first-entanglement/

Broadening the impact of plant science through innovative, integrative, and inclusive outreach

Friesner J, Colón-Carmona A, Schnoes AM, et al. Broadening the impact of plant science through innovative, integrative, and inclusive outreach. Plant Direct. 2021 Apr 14;5(4):e00316. doi: 10.1002/pld3.316. PMID: 33870032; PMCID: PMC8045900.

Training the next generation of physician-scientists: a cohort-based program for MD-only residents and fellows

Preprint: Training the Next Generation of Physician-Scientists: A Cohort-Based Program for MD-only Residents & Fellows, TA Solvik; AM Schnoes; TA Nguyen; S Behrman; E Maksoud; SS Goodwin; EJ Weiss; A Padmanabhan; DN Cornfield 2022-12-20 | Preprint DOI: 10.1101/2022.12.19.22283532

An Evolving Need for Trusted Information

Howell, E. L., Krause, N. M., Cheney, I., Kirschner, E., & Goodwin, S. S. (2024, February 27). An evolving need for trusted information. Issues in Science and Technology. https://issues.org/informing-policymakers-sean-trust-groves-forum/

Rethinking Civic Science Funding to Better Support Community Engagement

Andrea Isabel López (1), Mónica I. Feliú Mójer (1),(2) Ciencia Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico Science Communication Lab, Berkeley, CA, USA 

Engaging students through online video homework assignments: A case study in a large-enrollment ecology and evolution course

Gerhart LM, Anderton BN. Engaging students through online video homework assignments: A case study in a large-enrollment ecology and evolution course. Ecol Evol. 2021;11: 5777–5789. doi:10.1002/ece3.7547

Bridging gaps in traditional research training with iBiology Courses

Schnoes AM, Green NH, Nguyen TA, Vale RD, Goodwin SS, Behrman SL (2024) Bridging gaps in traditional research training with iBiology Courses. PLoS Biol 22(1): e3002458. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002458

Creating risk know-how amongst marginalized communities in Puerto Rico during Covid-19

By Mónica I. Feliú Mójer, Edmy Ayala Rosado, Xavier Ortiz Torres, Ramdwin González Otero, and Andrea Isabel López - Ciencia Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR

Advancing inclusion through culturally relevant science communication: a perspective from Puerto Rico

Feliu-Mojer, M. (2022). Advancing inclusion through culturally relevant science communication: a perspective from Puerto Rico JCOM 21(07), C04. https://doi.org/10.22323/2.21070304

Learn more about our Research & Evaluation efforts.


iBiology, iBiology Courses, and the Wonder Collaborative are all part of the Science Communication Lab

600+ Talks & Lectures

iBiology is how we got our start. Search our archives of 600+ comprehensive lectures and talks along with educator resources, flipped courses, and our popular microscopy series.

Free Online Courses

We offer a bevy of self-paced professional development courses for early career scientists and researchers. Sign up for free to enroll.

Science on the Big Screen

Wonder Collaborative is our feature film unit, celebrated for producing award-winning documentaries like Human Nature and Picture a Scientist.